Touche Essentials of Passion, a division of Shots Media BV, is an omni-gender sex toy and tactile satisfaction product manufacturer and distributor. Touche has earned a large following through hitching commercial rides with other online adult merchants. Fortunately their products are so unique; the company tends to get noticed in the midst of excellent comparable class competitors. Touche is completely preoccupied with fulfilling its customer’s needs for adult play and general sex aides.
This company has evolved far beyond the realm of naughtiness and everyday sexuality. They offer products which are uniquely designed to meld with human anatomy and focus on the romantic potential of consenting, adventurous adults. Touche is headquartered in the Netherlands, but it has a loyal consumer base all over the planet. These patrons understand that the best sex toys are those that stimulate and enhance natural qualities and talents, rather than supplant them with hyperbolic representations of unachievable fantasy.
From foreplay to clean-up, Touche supplies discerning and conscientious patrons with the products to ensure a truly intimate encounter and effortless expression of love and actionable lust. This company recognises that the most important sex organs are not just the organs located “down under.” Great sex also includes use of the brain and the heart.
True intimacy can be achieved with the help of well-made toys and products that assist randy adults with understanding the desires of their partners and themselves. Touche provides products that range from simple eggs and bullets, to complex double vibrators, harnesses and items which clearly fall into the “taboo” category. Do not overlook Touche for an introduction into, or further exploration of all products that promote great sex and fulfillment.