Massages can be quite relaxing and incredibly arousing. Use the Kama Sutra Naturals Massage Oil - Coconut Pineapple for a massage, and both can be achieved at the same time.
Made with a special blend natural ingredients, Kama Sutra Naturals Massage Oils brings about a healing of one’s mind, body and spirit. Drizzle this massage oil onto your hands or onto the body of your partner and you will enjoy its light silky texture and delicate scent as you gently caress the skin. With your touch and Kama Sutra Naturals Massage Oils, you and your partner will be drawn into a relaxing and sensual world where you can both be at peace and one with nature.
Materials & Colours
- All Natural, Paraben Free
Size & Fit
- 200 mL (8 Oz)
Powered By & Features
- Scented
- Coconut Pineapple